



Namaste 2024

Namaste 2024

Hallo ihr Lieben, wir hoffen ihr seid gut ins neue Jahr gestartet. Wir sind es und freuen uns auf einige Events und Festivals in 2024. Den Auftakt macht Janin am kommenden Wochenende, auf dem Shamanic Winterfestival bei Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, gemeinsam mit Aleah...

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Immer up2date

Immer up2date

Folge uns auf Instagram und erfahre dort immer alle Termine, auch spontane Konzerte oder Mantra Yogastunden. Folge uns auf Instagram  

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Namaste 2024

Namaste 2024

Hallo ihr Lieben, wir hoffen ihr seid gut ins neue Jahr gestartet. Wir sind es und freuen uns auf einige Events und Festivals in 2024. Den Auftakt...

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Immer up2date

Immer up2date

Folge uns auf Instagram und erfahre dort immer alle Termine, auch spontane Konzerte oder Mantra Yogastunden. Folge uns auf Instagram  

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Deutsche Pop-Music


Yin Yoga with Mantra-Music
CD | MP3

Deutsche Pop-Music
CD | MP3

Deutsche Pop-Music
CD | MP3



Janin Devi & André Maris – Singer-Songwriter

Janin Devi and André Maris – the story of the two is far too enchanting not to be narrated: two extraordinary voices meet in 2016 at the height of two extraordinary careers. Two people fall in love and begin to let their deep spirituality flow together in to music. In music that touches and transforms, awakens the memory of the one source, springs from the diversity of all living things.

Janin and André draw from this source. They open spaces with multifaceted singing and soulful compositions. With finely crafted texts in German and English and millennia-old Sanskrit mantras. With the courage to adapt their repertoire to the energy of each location at each event. Each concert, every song and sound accompanied yoga class becomes a unique celebration of universal love in the here and now.

Janin’s roots are in the German yoga scene. The unique combination of spiritual pop music and mantras is still her trademark. But her spectrum has become higher, wider and deeper with every successful release of the CD: She sovereignly unfolds the whole spectrum of her supernaturally beautiful voice in a music she aptly calls „Spirit Pop“. Her reputation is manifesting spaces of connectedness and love with and for people. And her voice is the medium for it, a soulful companion on the way to homecoming. Whether it’s whisper-quiet ballads or ecstatic chants – when Janin Devi sings, it’s easy to close your eyes and confide fully in the power of the moment.

These qualities also attracted André Maris: The Tyrolean exceptional singer with roots in hip-hop, reggae and soul made it in 2013 in the Top 3 of the best-known Austrian casting format – and pulled the ripcord: Instead of flexing of success, he prefered to cultivate his deep connection to Mother Nature as well as his ability to make souls smile. In 2014 he released a self-produced CD with mantra music.

In 2016 he invites Janin to collaborate artistically on the follow-up album. What begins with a few e-mail lines quickly turns out to be literally a „miracle-full“ encounter: André doesn’t only bring in his qualities as a singer and rapper, musician and producer. He also contributes his own songs that touch (not only) Janin’s heart in the depths.

Since then, Janin and André have been touring the yoga music scene in Europe together. As an artist duo, with individual accompanying musicians or a complete band, they embody the difference and unity of Yin and Yang in a musical-human way. Always on board: the two German albums “Heimwärts” and “Heldenreise”. The recordings produced with Rocco Horn from the band "berge" are all about coming home to oneself, of closeness to nature, of pain, consolation and the constantly amazed gaze at the stars.

“Wherever a spark lives in me, there you light a light” are the words in one of the songs on it. It is precisely this light that Janin Devi and André Maris ignite live and on CD - from the spark that lives deep within all of us.

Mantra Yoga



A special special are the mantra yoga lessons with live music. While the participants flow through yoga exercises with a yoga teacher, they immerse themselves with mantras and songs even deeper into each asana. An unforgettable experience!

Flow in the rhythm of the music! Feel safe, deeply moved and loved! In the special atmosphere of the mantra yoga classes, it is easy to drop physical, but above all, emotional tensions and confide in the flow of life and emotions.

Even stubborn emotional blockages can be resolved through the deep process of bhakti-yoga and the subtle energetic body is stimulated and made to flow. Each lesson is dedicated to a theme and is accompanied by mantras, songs and lyrics.









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Janin Devi & André Maris
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